CLEVELAND — “Who’s that?!” It’s the most popular reaction on Friday to the new head coach hire in Cleveland.
The Browns tapped Carolina Panthers Offensive Coordinator Rob Chudzinski as the man to lead their team. Most fans are cautiously optimistic considering they don’t know him or remember when he led the Browns to 10 victories in 2007, and the third best offensive output in Browns history.
“I don’t know. I’ve been let down so many times,” said James Gordon. “I’m just numb at this stage so I’m gonna wait and see what happens before I judge him too much.”
Mary Stanton remembered his stint with Cleveland in ’07. “I think he’s great! I think the new owner is not going to hold back. I’m really looking forward to the season.”
Jayme Barrett is a Patriots fan who lives in Cleveland and works at the “Q.”
He said, “I come from a winning culture, so I really don’t care who they get. They never give their coaches a chance around here. It wasn’t Shurmur’s fault. I blame your QB and your wide receivers who are afraid to get hit.”
“Coach Chud” is what many fans are calling Chudzinski. It’s certainly easier to say.
“Chud” has negative references for the most part in America. A horror film was made in 1984 called “C.H.U.D.”
It was about a bottom feeding underground dweller.
In English slang it stands for “chewing gum.”
Let’s hope we can chew up our division and rivals and get back into the playoffs next year.